St. Andre Inner Healing Ministry
St. Paul's Church 330 W. Coral Gables Drive, Phoenix, AZ, United StatesSt. Andre Inner Healing Ministry Conference Center
St. Andre Inner Healing Ministry Conference Center
Holy Hour for Priestly Vocations - 5PM - St. Joan of Arc St. Joan of Arc will be hosting a First Friday Holy Hour on Friday in St. Katharine Drexel Chapel at 5PM. All are welcome and encouraged to join Fr. Cruz.
This special Mass includes Anointing of the Sick. The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick is administered to bring spiritual and even physical strength to a person during an illness. If you have a prolonged or serious illness, we encourage you to attend this Mass in honor of our parish patron, the Holy Spirit, and… Read More »Votive Mass of the Holy Spirit – First Friday Mass
Healing Mass on First Friday's at 6PM
Every Friday Night Healing Rosary at St. Bernadette's, Scottsdale
Healing Mass - First Friday's St. Paul's Catholic Church
Join us for our First Friday Mass at 7:00pm in the Church followed by Eucharistic Adoration throughout the night until the start of the 8:00am Mass on Saturday morning.
The First Saturday Devotions, according to Sister Lucia of Fatima, were requested by the Virgin Mary in an apparition at Pontevedra, Spain, December 10, 1925. MY FIVE FIRST SATURDAYS Make the Five First Saturdays as requested by Our Lord and Our Lady with the intention of making reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. “Have… Read More »First Saturday Mass – Requested by the Virgin Mary
St. Helen’s Catholic Parish 5510 W. Cholla St. Glendale, AZ 85304 Worklight 8:30 - 9:30am, co-ed group Praise, prayer, speaker and small Table sharing. Hank Griego 602-558-0674 _________________________________ EL SHADDAI 6:00 PM- 8:00 PM Christ The King - Columbus Hall 1551 E Dana Ave, Mesa, AZ 85204 Contact: Bro. Rene Gata (480) 280-0880 __________________________ St. Joseph… Read More »Saturday Prayer Groups and Prayer/Healing Ministries