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Event Series Prayer Shawl Ministry

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Our Lady of Guadalupe 20615 E Ocotillo Road, Queen Creek, AZ, United States

Prayer Shawl Ministry Prayer Shawl Ministry offers free knitted or crochet shawls & lap blankets. The shawls are blessed & bring a sense of peace to those that need healing & comfort. Request a shawl by contacting Pat Miller. Shawls are also available in the gift shop. Love offerings are welcome. Contact Pat Miller at… Read More »Prayer Shawl Ministry

Event Series Charismatic Prayer

Friday Prayer Groups and Prayer/Healing Ministries

St. Anne Gilbert Historical Museum 10 S. Gilbert Rd., Gilbert, AZ 85296 Lamb of God Community Online only at this time Friday @ 8 - 9:30pm ZOOM Ed Orillo 480-330-4350 or Melody Orillo 480-326-2569 _________________________  St. Bernard Clairaux 10755 N. 124th St., Scottsdale, AZ 85259 Friday @ 10:00am Mary Jeanne 480-347-4522 __________________________  St. John Vianney… Read More »Friday Prayer Groups and Prayer/Healing Ministries

Votive Mass of the Holy Spirit – First Friday Mass

Holy Spirit Parish Tempe 1800 E Libra Dr., Tempe, AZ, United States

This special Mass includes Anointing of the Sick. The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick is administered to bring spiritual and even physical strength to a person during an illness. If you have a prolonged or serious illness, we encourage you to attend this Mass in honor of our parish patron, the Holy Spirit, and… Read More »Votive Mass of the Holy Spirit – First Friday Mass

Event Series Charismatic Prayer

Saturday Prayer Groups and Prayer/Healing Ministries

St. Helen’s Catholic Parish 5510 W. Cholla St. Glendale, AZ 85304 Worklight 8:30 - 9:30am, co-ed group Praise, prayer, speaker and small Table sharing. Hank Griego 602-558-0674 _________________________________ EL SHADDAI 6:00 PM- 8:00 PM Christ The King - Columbus Hall 1551 E Dana Ave, Mesa, AZ 85204 Contact: Bro. Rene Gata (480) 280-0880 __________________________ St. Joseph… Read More »Saturday Prayer Groups and Prayer/Healing Ministries

Event Series Holy Spirit Rosary Makers

Holy Spirit Rosary Makers

Holy Spirit Parish Tempe 1800 E Libra Dr., Tempe, AZ, United States

2nd Saturday of the month, 10:00am in Room 10 If you are interested in learning how to make rosaries please join us. Supplies and tools will be available to make rosaries. Rosaries are needed for hospitals, senior homes & hospice residences.