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First Saturday

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton 9728 W Palmeras Dr, Sun City, AZ, United States

First Saturday Devotion

St. Edward the Confessor 4410 E. Southern Ave, Phoenix, AZ, United States

First Saturday Devotion at Corpus Christi Parish

Corpus Christi 3550 EAST KNOX ROAD, Phoenix, AZ, United States

On the first Saturday of each month, join us in the Cry Room of the church to pray the Holy Rosary at 3:00pm in reparation for the sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary. We will also go to Confession between 2:30-3:30pm, Mass at 4:00pm, and will spend 15 minutes in… Read More »First Saturday Devotion at Corpus Christi Parish