The Chalking of the Doors
The chalking of the doors is a centuries-old practice throughout the world, though it appears to be somewhat less well-known in the United States. It is, however, an easy tradition… Read More »The Chalking of the Doors
The chalking of the doors is a centuries-old practice throughout the world, though it appears to be somewhat less well-known in the United States. It is, however, an easy tradition… Read More »The Chalking of the Doors
Anointing of the sick—Monday, following 8 am Mass
St. Augustine 3630 N. 71st Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85003 Charismatic Prayer Group-English Mondays at 7p in Rm 4 Phoenix: 623-849-3131 ______________________________________ St. John Vianney 800 W. Loma Linda Blvd., Goodyear,… Read More »Monday Prayer Groups and Prayer/Healing Ministries
Every Monday at 7:00 pm St. Paul - Chapel 330 W. Coral Gables
Catholic Sacramental recovery and fellowship for those seeking freedom from addictions, compulsions, and unhealthy attachments. Monday's at 6:30pm SS. Simon and Jude Cathedral
Monday, June 3rd at 7:00 pm Mt. Claret Center 4633 N 52nd Street
First and Third Monday of the month. 7PM in the Church Please contact Lisa Kragness