Monday Prayer Groups and Prayer/Healing Ministries
St. Augustine 3630 N. 71st Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85003 Charismatic Prayer Group-English Mondays at 7p in Rm 4 Phoenix: 623-849-3131 ______________________________________ St. John Vianney 800 W. Loma Linda Blvd., Goodyear,… Read More »Monday Prayer Groups and Prayer/Healing Ministries
Advent Mission with Fr. Joseph Tuscan, OFM Cap.
St. Joan of Arc 3801 E. Greenway Rd., PhoenixConfessions at 6:00 PM, Rosary, RELICS OF ST. PADRE PIO AND BLESSED SOLANUS CASEY. Day 1: "The Greatest Threat to Holiness Today" Day 2: "Pray, Hope, Don't Worry: How to… Read More »Advent Mission with Fr. Joseph Tuscan, OFM Cap.
Rosary for America
St. Paul's Church 330 W. Coral Gables Drive, PhoenixEvery Monday at 7:00 pm St. Paul - Chapel 330 W. Coral Gables
Catholic in Recovery at SS. Simon and Jude
Ss. Simon & Jude Cathedral 6351 N. 27th Avenue, PhoenixCatholic Sacramental recovery and fellowship for those seeking freedom from addictions, compulsions, and unhealthy attachments. Monday's at 6:30pm SS. Simon and Jude Cathedral
Sacred Heart Healing Ministry
St. John Vianney 800 W. Loma Linda Blvd, GoodyearFirst and Third Monday of the month. 7PM in the Church Please contact Lisa Kragness